

I first became interested in Yoga at the age of 4. I overheard some adults talking about meditation when a family friend remarked that through meditation you could learn to fly. My heart leaped! I wanted to fly just as I did nightly in my dreams. This started a life-long fascination with meditation and non-Western spiritual traditions and practices.

In my 20’s, I lived as a conceptual artist exhibiting throughout Europe and the Middle East and had the fortune to meet various Shamans (traditional tribal priest/ess), natural-healers and Sadhus (wandering mystics) of the Ancient Path with whom I continued my studies.

In my 30’s, I discovered my path as a Tantric Dakini through the teachings of Dr. Deborah Anapol and my sister Cleo, a Tantric Dakini living in Northern California who also had been exploring the Path for many years. I found that sexuality can be healing energy through my own health challenges and association with Dr. Thomas Punnen, an Ayurvedic healer in Amsterdam.

I have served as an Adjunct Professor of Art at Parsons School of Design and have taught performance art at the University of Utrecht, Holland. I have been an Artist-in-Residence at the following prestigious centers: the Post-Graduate Center at Arhus, Denmark; the Center for Contemporary Art Haifa, Israel; the Djerassi Foundation, California; the Sculpture Space, New York; the Plasy Monastery, Czech Republic; and the Center for Contemporary Art Pontoise, France. I currently maintain a New York art studio and continue to exhibit both in New York and internationally.

I have accumulated the following certificates and degrees related to the healing arts and professional Tantra practice:

* Certified Thai Massage, 2003
* Certified Hot-Stone Massage, 2002
* Certified Hypnotist, 1997

Now, in my 40’s, I have continued my spiritual exploration by pursuing classes with many other of the best Tantra teachers and metaphysical & holistic schools across the country.

Having a taste for things foreign and traveling extensively, I love speaking a number of languages, Greek, Spanish, bits of Italian, Dutch, German, Armenian & Russian.